TV and Radio Tour Comments
April 1, 2015
XETV San Diego
“I can’t wait to recommend this to adults”
“I’ve got my copy and I’m not giving it up”
“This is basic survival information in today’s world”
“The financial fundamentals are all here in this book so that kids can understand them and adults can use them too.”
WYAM Alabama
“I love this book”
“This is great for adults too”
“I wish someone would have read this to me when I was a kid”
“This is great. Can you tell I love your book?”
“Thank you David”
WXIA Atlanta
CKWS Canada
“What a great book”
“There is nothing else like it on the market”
“You explain it so well”
“It is great for adults too”
WPTF Raleigh, N. Carolina
“This is really a great idea”
“Great stuff”
“It ought to be a textbook in our schools”
“Can we get this to every media member who doesn’t understand money?”
“If kids learn to put money away at an early age, there is no limit to the wealth they can have in the future”
WUSY Chattanooga, TN
“Covers all the bases”
WKYC Cleveland
“Our kids thank you and we thank you as moms and dads because we’re going to learn too”
WGHP Greensboro, N. Car.
“This is truly the gift that keeps on giving”
“You’re basically securing their future when you teach them skills like this”
“It is vital for parents to talk about this”
“I hope a lot of parents have their kids read this and learn from it too”
WFTX Ft. Myers, Florida (Fox)
“I love that you are doing this”
Ron Sege Show, USA network
“I believe in what you wrote so much”
“You have hit a genius topic here”
“You have done a great job”
“Great idea”
KOB Albuquerque, New Mexico
“We are fighting over who gets to read this book first”
“This is really really something that a lot of people are going to benefit from”
“I want to see this book in every middle school and every high school”
“Let’s start a movement to get it in schools”
KBAK Pittsburg, Pa. (Fox)
“I’ll be holding on to this book myself”
“I would love to see you work with PBS on a cartoon or something. That would be great.”
“It is really easy for a kid to grasp”
KABB San Antonio, Texas
“I love the concept behind this book”
“Very important book”
“I love it”
KAZT “The Morning Scramble”
“Holy Cow!”
WKXL Concord, New Hampshire
“Very effectively done”
“The book is a great way to approach it”